Theresa Artigas Portrait Artist
Tuesday-Friday 10-5
Evenings and Weekends by Appointment
Driving Directions:
Located on Union avenue also known as route 71 in Brielle
About Us
Theresa has always painting art as a child. Although her chosen path has been creating fine portraits through the camera most of her life, her love of art has come to a new chapter in her life.
Video Media

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Rep/Contact Info

View Personal Bio
Michael Artigas
Our studio is located in the quaint coastal town of Brielle on the Jersey Shore and specializes in Children and Family Portraiture. Whether you choose a portrait on the soft sand by the ocean or a Creative Studio Portrait, we will capture the unique and beautiful relationship of your family.
I am a graduate from the School of Visual Arts, New York City . My wife Theresa, is a graduate from the Hallmark Institute of Photography, Massachusetts. Together, we will create the Imagery of Your Life!
Michael Artigas
- Phone: (732) 223-7885
- Fax: (732) 528-0031
- Send an Email
- 604 Union Avenue Brielle NJ 08730